samedi 7 juin 2014

50 Questions To Ask When Designing A Logo 2D / 3D

There are various questions you can ask when preparing a logo design. I do NOT suggest you ask a client all of these questions, but it will help you think of a few useful questions that maybe you did not consider earlier. I have divided into 5 sub-categories: company questions, branding questions, design style, target audience and budget & timing.
Company questions
• What is your company/organization/product name?
• What sets your company apart from others?
• What services or products does your company provide?
• Why should I choose your company over the competition?
• How long is your company in business?
• How big is your company?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of your company?
• Where do you see your company in 5, 10 and 50 years?
• Who is your main competitor?
• Why was your company founded?
• What keeps you motivated to run and stay in the business?
• If you describe your company with a single word, which word would it be and why?
• If your customer describes your company in one word, which word would it be and why?
• Do you currently have a logo?
• How old is your current logo? (If answered yes in the previous question.)
• Are there any elements from your previous logo that you would like to retain? (If answered yes in the previous question.)
• What is the reason for redesigning your logo?
• What is the positioning of your company?
• Does your company have a tagline or slogan that should be incorporated in the logo?
• What do you want your company to be known for?
• What do your customers recognize first when they see your logo?
• Why does your company use this colors, fonts, etc.?
Design preferences
• Which color palettes do you like? why?
• Where will the logo be primarily used?
• Are there any elements you want to have in the logo?
• What defines a well-designed logo in your opinion?
• Which restrictions might there be regarding the logo?
• Which logos do you like and why?
• Which logos do you dislike and why?
• In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of a logo?
• Where would you like to use the logo?
Target audience
• Who is your primary target audience?
• What type of clients currently use your product the most?
• Are you pleased with the range of clients your company serves?
• Are you looking to expand, modify or change your target audience?
• What are your plans for focusing on your target audience?
• What is your main form of advertising?
• How do most clients find out about your company?
• Which gender is most important to you?
• Where do most of your clients live?
• What is the average income level of your target audience?
Budget and timing
• What is your budget for this logo design?
• How many revisions are you planning?
• How many initial concepts do you want to see?
• Do you want to set various deadlines along the design process?
• Do you think there will be any modifications in the future?
• What is the primary reason you chose to work on your logo?
• What is most important for you: quality, speed, or cost?
• Are there any going to be any special events or promotions from which the this design depends?
• Will you be needing any other services?
Did I miss other important questions? Please, share yours.
Gregor Kaurin and is a a full-time freelance graphic designer who specializes in creating beautiful brand identities, web pages and user interfaces. He is a creative person, designer, blogger, problem solver and overall creative thinker with an aesthetic sense.
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